11 to 20 of 23
  • by John Crant - December 18, 2009
    Why is it so difficult for people to turn to network contacts for help on the second or third time?The simple answer is guilt. We all have that nagging voice in our heads that our call is not of interest, and is really a nuisance, to those in our network that we may call more than once asking for help. Many times, we even play out the mental conversations to our detriment, “Why are they calling me again, I can’t help them!”...
  • by John Crant - December 2, 2009
    What approach should a job seeker have when beginning to look for work at a small business and how is this different than a larger company?Small and large businesses hire for basically the same reason: the internal need for new talent to have a positive effect on whatever it is that they do to create the revenue for their bottom line. While a larger company benefits from instant name recognition and a higher profile, a smal...
  • by John Crant - December 2, 2009
    How to Achieve Your Goals for Your Job HuntTaking on any tough project can be a daunting task, without the proper help. Before long, we are overwhelmed and dropping pieces of our important project here and there. Our follow-up gets lost. Entire areas that should be in focus get moved to a back-burner, and then forgotten. Soon, we have fallen into a rut of doing the same limited activities, over and over again, with less and...
  • by John Crant - December 2, 2009
    How Can I Negotiate a Better Salary Offer? - Signed I just want what I deserve. We all want what we deserve. Unfortunately, what I call the ‘Unwelcome Truth’ usually gets in the way. The Unwelcome Truth: Companies usually pay based on pay history, and they are not typically basing their offers on what you will bring to the company, or on what you will produce for them. That’s an equation that most individuals who...
  • by John Crant - December 2, 2009
    Question:How long should my Interview Process Take?- Signed,Tired of WaitingInterview processes vary widely, but let’s start by looking at the average length of time an interview process takes, from the company’s perspective. The average length of time for a company to start and fully complete the hiring process for any one position is usually between 6 to 8 weeks, in a normal market. That timer starts from the moment sever...
  • by John Crant - December 2, 2009
    Question: I’m an older worker and I find myself looking for a new job and wonder: How to Get Hired If You are Older?-Signed,I’ve Got Experience!There’s no getting around it: this is a tough job market. The candidate pool of talent has expanded exponentially and that is leaving many wondering how they can compete. I had a similar question from an audience member at one of the seminars that I teach. This individual’s concern...
  • by John Crant - December 2, 2009
    Your resume should be doing a lot of work for you. Many people have resumes that grow and grow over time. That may seem okay, as we do add more capability and expertise to our list of skills that we are ’selling’ when we are looking for a new job or a new career. But over time, your resume can grow more ineffective -as you add in more and more.It’s natural, especially in these days of harder economic times, to want to inclu...
  • by John Crant - December 2, 2009
    Question:I just came in 2nd place, after a three month interview process, and I feel like it’s all a loss. Is there anything that I should do?- Signed,At a LossIt can be very trying and difficult for our ego to get all the way through a company’s hiring process, only to find out that you were not the one selected. But, don’t let your disappointment let the real value get away.First, I have to say, “Congratulations!” That ma...
  • by John Crant - December 2, 2009
    I’ve been unemployed for 10 months and I can’t seem to get hired. I’m even willing to take a step backward -to no avail. What am I doing wrong? Signed, – Struggling to Solve a Puzzle When we face a long period of unemployment, many things happen to our self confidence, and the view we may have of professional selves. Of course, be sure to view my video about Suffering After a Layoff but even though you may put thi...
  • by John Crant - December 2, 2009
    Question: My Annual Review is next week. How Can I get Something Else if They cannot Raise My Salary?- Lone-Wolf Standing in My DepartmentCongratulations! That may seem strange given the situation that you are describing of being the ‘last one standing’ in what was formerly a larger department. But, the congratulations are for not letting it stop you, or holding you back from going after SOMETHING during your Annual Review....