Overcoming Discouragement and Getting Back to Work
Excerpt from the book, GETTING BACK to WORK: Everything You Need to Bounce Back and Get a Job After a Layoff (McGraw-Hill). All rights reserved without written permission.

The average job seeker takes about four months to land a job after searching for openings, preparing for interviews, and taking stock of financial resources. During an economic downturn, finding a job becomes even more difficult and so discouragement is a common emotion. Managing discouragement, and the other emotions that accompany a job search can be challenging. While the practical aspects of looking for a job present plenty of challenges, the emotional component cannot be ignored.

For some, the emotions of shock, grief, anger, and anxiety that often accompany job loss can impair or immobilize a solid action plan. Maybe you don’t even have a plan of action. Or, you are diligently getting your resume out to the world without the results you desire. Hanging onto doubtful fears about the future or tolerating feelings of discouragement can plummet one into depression if left unchecked. Everyone feels discouraged at times but you can’t be effective in your job search if you launch into interviews with unchecked emotions popping up.

What can you do to transform discouragement into hope and assurance that you will land another job? First, don’t panic. Place post-it notes with the word “Breathe” on them in conspicuous locations around the house Acknowledge feelings of fear, for example, but engage in activities that will help you move through difficult emotions. Fear and faith make poor roommates because one dispels the other. A little fear may be a motivator but too much can immobilize and cause you to stall out.

You must fight discouragement. Avoid beginning and ending your day with negative television and radio news reports about the economy. News of this sort can only result in negative thinking and feelings. You can stay current about events through television, internet, and newspapers, but start your day early with activities that inspire and comfort you. To recharge your batteries, write a list of five things you are grateful for each morning, and then engage in other positive activities such as devotional readings, meditation, artwork, or exercise. The best form of workout for you is the one you are most likely to participate in. Begin your day early by first making a deposit into your emotional bank account–that is, do something positive that will advance your self-care plan.

If you are starting to give in to discouragement, it is time to tune in for self-care. Prepare a list of 10 self-care items that will help renew your mind, body, and spirit. You may find it difficult to do so, but it is completely worth your time. The items on your list do not even have to cost money. Consider enrolling in a class, support group, or another self-serving endeavor. Participate in 2-3 of these self-care activities every day. When I ask my clients whether they need some time to rest, some are inspired to give themselves permission to recognize they do just need a break from the tiresome work of job hunting in a tough market. If you are burned out, experiencing stress or other physical health symptoms, and feelings of discouragement, this situation absolutely requires that you give yourself permission to take an overdue restorative time-out.

Many people work very hard while also attending to the needs of their family, but find it nearly impossible to be especially kind and tender to their selves. In an emergency, you have to put on your own oxygen mask first, and being out of work in an economic downturn qualifies as just such an emergency. You may need to go fishing or engage in other enjoyable and renewing sport activities—whatever it takes to think about something besides the ongoing job hunt for a little while. It’s not a luxury; it’s a necessity!

Address discouragement and other emotions by taking the time you need – not by doing what others think you should do. Talk to someone you trust who will help you to get rid of negative feelings. Talking it out helps you to take a step back and evaluate the emotional ramifications of what you’re going through. Get help from a friend in managing your emotions and when you are ready, launch into the tangible, practical components of job search.

After you’ve taken a step back to relax and assess things, take stock of your expectations. Unmet expectations can lead to disappointment and discouragement. You may be very good at the work you have done in the past but your future does not live in your past. Industry changes create opportunities for new job growth but you may need to adjust your expectations. Do you need to take what I refer to as the ’transitional bridge job’ or two part time jobs to pay the bills while you think about seriously re-inventing yourself?

Are you at a fork in the road? Do you want to return to a former, similar, or new job title? Research professional association websites in the industry you want to explore. Perform information interviews to help expand or narrow options and consider participating in other activities outlined in my book. Most all my clients are getting back to work so don’t let lack of information stall you indefinitely. New job growth is there. You will bring greater enthusiasm and success to your job hunting when you identify what you want to do. What does your heart desire for employment?

When you are ready, set a structured job search schedule that allows for concentrated job hunting activities, say between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm daily, or whatever time frame works for you. No matter what, though, it’s important to keep your work/life balance and self care in the daily mix. Expect some discouraging periods at times, but that is not permission to give in to them and just stop. Your future work is ahead of you and you must move forward to reach your goals. Giving in to feelings of discouragement can only hold you back.