6 Ways to Rebuild Your Confidence at Work
We all lose our mojo sometimes

On our best days, we believe in ourselves and are sure that we will succeed at whatever work tasks and projects are in front of us. Unfortunately we all face periods when our level of self-confidence fluctuates as we are faced with challenges and roadblocks. However, we have the power to rebuild your self-confidence and get your brilliance back!

Parents encourage young children to believe in themselves, but as an adult, we hold the keys to strengthening rebuilding our confidence.

If you find that you’re feeling less self-assured than you’d like, be decisively proactive about giving your confidence a boost. Shattered confidence at work leads to burnout, frustration and less than stellar performance – all things that can take you off track from reaching your career goals.

Here are six things you can do to build your self-confidence at work:

1. Stop comparing yourself to other people. Measuring yourself by other people’s success is never a good idea and only leads to feeling disappointed about where you are.
•Use other people’s success as model, not as a measuring stick
•Be mindful of self-critical thoughts. Keep a tally of the number of times you criticize and judge yourself – you might be surprised how often you do it.
•Read biographies of people who have failed, and failed again. (Check out this inspiring video of famous failures).

2. Select a mentor. Seek someone who you think exhibits great self-confidence. Consider this person to be your model of self-confidence. When selecting a mentor, ask yourself:
•Does she/he have values similar to mine?
•Is he relaxed and open to others?

In addition to these traits, maybe he has a good sense of humor and looks people straight in the eye when he speaks to them. Or perhaps he models other characteristics you admire. Having someone to emulate is incredibly inspiring. Modeling after your mentor enhances your self-confidence.

3. Pretend you’re self-confident. ”Fake it, till you make it” as the saying goes. You can most likely identify times and situations in your history when you didn’t feel particularly positive. Think about how you handled some of them.
•On your good days, you put your chin up and plowed forward into the situation at hand. You pretended you believed you could do it. And chances are, you did!
•Going forward, on the days you feel the least self-confident, think of your mentor and pretend that you’re confident like they are

4. Identify what you’re doing right in your life. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, focus on the things you do well? Everyone excels at some tasks or activities. Seek out what those things are for you.
•Make a list of what you believe you’re good at.
•Consider this: no one in the world has the same unique qualities and strengths that you do in the way that you do.
•Recognize the times when you excel outside of work, remember you are much more than your job.
•What are you doing right? If you know the answer to this, your self-confidence will bloom.

5. Celebrate your accomplishments. We often forget to celebrate our wins. Instead we worry that we are being self-centered and usually down play what we’ve done. It’s important to learn to toot your own horn – the right way.
•When you’ve met or surpassed your goals, celebrate! Rejoice in your own successes – be your own cheerleader!
•Keep a brag sheet posted in your work space where you keep a record of your wins.
•Invite other people to celebrate with you.
•Having a hard time finding something to celebrate for you – celebrate someone else’s accomplishments with them.

6. Choose optimism as a daily approach to everything. When you make the decision to find the best in whatever life brings you, your self-confidence will soar.
•Use daily affirmations to change negative inner messages.
•Limit the negativity in your environment – be mindful what you are listening to and watching.
•Detox your relationships – minimize the time you spend around negative people.

It may not happen over night – but by proactively working to get your mojo back – you can rebuild your self-confidence. Choosing a mentor, knowing your strong points, and celebrating the attainment of your goals are just a few of strategies that build your self-confidence. Promise yourself today that you’ll strive to strengthen your belief in yourself. You have a legitimate right to live your life with great self-esteem.