Your Dream Job - It's Never Too Late
How many times have you daydreamed about quitting and beginning something you are truly passionate about? Do you look at other people and envy how happy they seem when they talk about their work? Do you envy those in their twenties who have the “time” to change their direction? Do you wish you could do it all over again? Well, you can. Easier said than done right? Sure, deciding to change jobs and even careers involves a lot of unknowns, obstacles, and restless nights; however, that can’t be worse than spending your days in a job that makes you unhappy and does not allow you to use all of your unique gifts and talents.

I was working with a client once who was miserable in her job. She didn’t feel challenged, she didn’t like the work, she felt her creativity was being stifled, and she hated her boss. I asked her “how would she like it to be?” She gave a long sigh, basking in the possibility of having the job she really wanted, but then quickly shifted gears to what she called her “reality.” She felt she had already spent the money on her education and she was therefore obligated to stay in that job because 5 years ago she made the choice to work in that profession. She said she had to accept that this was her place and that it was too late to change.

Too late for what? Too late to go after what you really want? Too late to be in a job that challenges and inspires you? Too late to work for a boss who appreciates you and treats you with respect? This is it right? We only have one life. Don’t you owe it to yourself to make it outstanding? Life is going to happen so you might as well spend it doing something you love. It may mean a few transitional months or even years, but imagine the possibilities of what could be. If it helps, ask yourself the question “where do I want to be in three years”? If it makes you shudder to imagine yourself in the same place, in the same career, working for the same boss, then perhaps you may want to begin contemplating what you do want.

Once you have reached a point where it is no longer acceptable to you to be functioning in a job that is draining you rather than replenishing you, it may be time to make a change. Having said that, your first step is not to quit your job – talk about restless nights! It is to do some research and a whole lot of soul searching to determine your life purpose. Why are you here? What do you have to offer? My coach put it very simply, “when you walk into a room, what is it you can’t help but do or what is it you can’t help but be?” Think about those questions. Think about the gifts and talents you have to offer and imagine yourself in your dream job. Anything is possible.