Start a Career Journal Today
One of the ideas that I share with my career coaching clients is to start and maintain a "Career Journal" -- usually in the form of a three-ring notebook.

The purpose of the Journal or Notebook is to serve as a placeholder to gather, collect and maintain relevant career development and career management material -- including items such as:

  • 1.Your Professional Development Plan,
  • 2.Your "Learning List" -- things you need to learn to improve skills, develop strengths or improve areas of key weakness,
  • 3.Career assessment and evaluation results,
  • 4.Career development ideas and career ideas in general,
  • 5.Letters of recommendation,
  • 6.Awards and recognitions,
  • 7.Achievement material,
  • 8.Resumes and bios,
  • 9.Contact network information, and
  • 10.Anything else relevant to YOU in terms of your career advancement.

    TRY THIS TODAY: (a 10-minute activity). Find a 1 1/2" to 2" three-ring binder to use as your Career Journal. Set up tabs relevant to you and the material you'd like to collect. Keep it visible and up-to-date.

    NEXT STEP: Use the Journal as a tool; review it frequently. Develop the habit of collecting anything you feel is relevant to your career development and advancement. It's a great "feel good" experience to review your journal. Encourage your team members to do the same!