Jump Start Your Job Search
To ensure you land that dream job, it’s time to jumpstart your job search now. Follow these quick steps to get on your way:

1. Network, network, network. Eighty percent of jobs aren’t posted. Sixty-six percent of candidates get a job through networking. The single best way to get a job is to know somebody. Yes, it should be based on merit alone, but unfortunately, that isn’t how it works. Tap into as many connections as you can. You probably have more connections than you think: your parents’ friends, your friends’ parents, neighbors, dentist, old professors, college alumni, etc.

2. Get your resume in order. Since this one piece of paper determines more than anything else your ability to get the job you want, it better be good. Focus on accomplishments instead of job descriptions. Most recruiters will tell you that a majority of resumes don’t sell a applicant hard enough because they simply list the activities that anyone holding that position has ever done. If what is written on your resume can be written by the person who had the job before you, after you, or next to you, then you haven’t done yourself justice.

3. Be professional. As a recruiter, you don’t want to call an applicant and hear the following message, “Yo dude, the K-man is rockin’ hard at the moment, so leave your digits and I’ll give you a holla when I can.” Nor do they want to send emails to whiskeydude@yahoo.com or studmuffin@hotmail.com. Now is the time to find other ways to express your individuality.

4. Start reading “trade” magazines. Every industry has publications specifically targeted to professionals in that field. In addition to learning more about the industry itself, you typically can find job openings. For instance, if you read that Templin Consulting just won a huge account, chances are they may be staffing up. There are scores of these magazines, and if you’re looking to find a job in any industry, you need to be up-to-speed on that industry’s lingo and news.

5. Research job openings. Sounds exciting doesn’t it? Fact is, you have to do it. Start looking for companies and industries that really interest you. Comb through their Websites, and search LinkedIn to see if you have anyone in your network at that company.

6. Network some more! We can’t say it enough. With such a crowded job market, submitting a resume online just isn’t going to cut it. You need a personal connection to get your foot in the door. Attend networking and industry events. Make new connections on LinkedIn, volunteer in your community, and set up informational interviews. Get out there, network, and build new relationships.

If you tackle these six steps, you’ll be on your way to landing a great job.