Image in the Work Place
How can have an image that is professional and know what is expected and respected in the environment you are in?

Your professional presence includes three things – your visual image (dress), your appropriate behaviors (business etiquette) and your social savvy (communicating effectively internally and externally to build a powerful network).

As for dress – the simple answer is to dress for your clients…in a way that shows your credibility while at the same time expresses your creativity with color, accessories, etc.

Now add to this the underpinning of creating your own personal brand that differentiates you and ensures more success both personally and professionally. It’s about discovering your unique promise of value and using your strengths to build your business and your relationships.

I’ve always hated programs that tell you to “work on your weaknesses.” I don’t know about you, but I’m more interested in developing my strengths—those things I’m already good at. So one quick tip I got from William Arruda, my mentor in the branding process, is to get out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On one side put the word Motivate. On the other side put the word Burnout. Now list all the things that you are doing that motivate you and all that cause you distress. Then figure out a way to do more of what motivates you and less of the burnout column. This will help you be happier and more fulfilled.