Five Steps To Ensure That You Always Have A Job
Did you ever notice that there are certain people who have great jobs? People who are always working on a consistent basis, even in shaky industries and uncertain times? And then there are those who are either constantly unhappy in their careers or who go for long periods of time without work. They blame the world and wonder why bad luck always seems to happen to them.

You make your own luck. Your career is great when you focus on making it great. This means not waiting for things to happen, but making things happen instead. It means being proactive instead of reactive. Rather than blaming others, you are passionate about new possibilities. You are excited about what you do and what you contribute every day.

So, how do you make sure you are never without a job? Follow these five steps.

1. Tell Yourself That You Will Always Be Employed

What you say matters. Your words have power, meaning, and intention. When you tell yourself something bad will happen to your job, something bad will probably happen. If you tell yourself that you are marketable and confident and that you will always be working, your words can make this true.

2. Anticipate Trends In Your Industry

If your job is being eliminated or outsourced, you will want to know about it before you are in the room with the human resources person telling you that your job is going away. Research your industry. Know what's happening and what the experts say will happen. This way you can make informed decisions. Look for trends. When you find them, start to train yourself in these areas. Knowledge is power. Having the right skills at the right time ensures that no matter what is happening around you, you will be needed and employable.

3. Have An Updated Résumé

Your résumé showcases your skills and abilities to the world. It is a selling tool that outlines your unique qualifications so an employer can see, at a glance, how you can contribute to the employer's workplace. When you are looking for work, prospective employers know immediately whether or not you are a fit for a position. Even if you are not looking for work, your résumé reminds you of the contributions you make on a regular basis, something you can easily forget when you are immersed in the day-to-day. Whether you are looking for a job, or you already have one, an updated résumé is essential for your career.

4. Network On A Regular Basis

If you start to network only when you need something, you will have a lot of catching up to do. Therefore, network every day. Wherever there are people, there is an opportunity to network. You do not always have to go somewhere to network successfully. You can network within your own company. Are there opportunities for you? Ask people and find out. People are your best resource for information. Invite co-workers to lunch. Take the time to walk by someone's office to say hello.

In addition, who can you tap into outside of where you work? Every industry has an association. When is your industry's association meeting in your area? Check the date and go. Get involved in this group so more people can get to know you. That way, if something happens to your job, you'll have people to reach out to.

Lastly, send an e-mail to or call people you already know on a regular basis. If you are always keeping in touch, then you will not feel bad that you are bothering someone when it's time to reach out and ask for help.

5. Always Be On The Lookout For New Opportunities

Read trade publications. Read memos-not only from your area, but from others as well. Think about what you could be doing differently. Get your creative juices flowing. Think positively. Rather than thinking, "It cannot happen," believe that what you want is possible and is within your reach. Then, make it happen.

So, what do you say? You only have one life to live, so it might as well be a life you love!