Career Brilliance Seasons: Which career stage best describes where you are at now?
The Seeker range: Typically students (high school and college age) thru 7-10 years of work experience.

The Seeker focus: Where will I go? Looking outside for a connection to what they want or what will bring them independence.

The Seeker needs: A network, connections, support, mentoring, clarification of their values and beliefs and the truth that their first job is to find one, which can be a challenge.

The Seeker teaches: Appreciation for learning, empathy in times of new challenge or when trying things for the first time, remember to keep current and approach work and life in fresh ways, include an open attitude for exploration.

The Finder range: Typically 7—15 years work experience. (The Career Brilliance Seasons can overlap like the earth’s seasons.)

The Finder focus: When will I get there? Am I here? Have I found something I am good at it?

The Finder needs: Refinement of their new found skills; understand and accept who they are and deepen their responsibility and confidence.

The Finder teaches: Appreciate and celebrate freedoms and accomplishments, growth and new found stability; empathy for growth spurts, and it is natural to desire a return to the seeking stage when life seems harder, before there may have been fewer responsibilities and/or expectations of you.

The Keeper range: Typically 15—35 years work experience. (Remember the Career Brilliance Seasons can overlap especially during times of transition.)

The Keeper focus: Often referred to as the Sandwich Era—which includes responsibility for others: kids, spouse and sometimes parents; often a mortgage/home, savings plans, college tuitions to maintain. Although Keepers may want to keep their lives in place, they are confronted by: Is this it? Am I missing something? Did I do what I wanted to do?

The Keeper needs: Value prioritization, stress management, expression of gratitude, reminders to appreciate their choices, humor and laughter!

The Keeper teaches: Challenges of leadership, empathy for the heightened responsibility that comes with more freedom.

The Giver range: Typically 30+ years work experience. (Remember the Career Brilliance Seasons can overlap especially during times of transition.)

The Giver focus: What is retirement? Opportunity to explore, many are not ready for traditional retirement. They want to carve out a new role that centers from their values; concern for their community and society, wanting to give back and share their experience and knowledge, often hoping to help secure a better future for others.

The Giver needs: Validation, students to share their knowledge with, respect for their service, experience and wisdom.

The Giver teaches: Respect, appreciation, and it is never too late or too early to learn something new.