Are you 45+ with an idea about how to make a difference?
Do you have an idea that will make a difference in your community in the areas of education, social services, environment, health care or helping others engage in encore careers (careers that combine purpose, passion and a paycheck)? If you are at least 45 years old, take note! Civic Ventures (a think tank on boomers, work and social purpose) just announced its new Launch Pad contest, which is designed to discover five inspiring people 45 and over with ideas to improve their communities.

Each winner will receive $5,000 and resources and support from the community to put his or her idea into action.

Jim Emerman, executive vice president of Civic Ventures, explained, “The Launch Pad is a new contest to spur people’s thinking about how they can make a difference in an encore career. We’re looking for five people, 45 and over, with great ideas for transforming their communities. Each will win $5,000 to get their ideas off the ground.”

He continued, “Experienced adults with the passion and know-how to make a real difference in the lives of others offer a windfall of talent in our communities. The Launch Pad is about tapping their ideas for improving education, health, environment, social services and more.”

Launch Pad contenders from around the country can submit their ideas on how they want to make a difference in their communities at through December 20.

On January 17, 2011, Civic Ventures will name 25 Launch Pad semifinalists. From January 17 through February 14, people will be invited to vote online for the idea they’d like to see realized.

The announcement of the Launch Pad contest follows last week’s news of the 2010 Purpose Prize winners, 10 people over age 60 who are making extraordinary contributions in their encore careers. The Purpose Prize, an award of up to $100,000, is given annually to individuals who are using their experience and passion to tackle society’s biggest challenges.

For more information on the Launch Pad contest, visit