Apply Principles from The Secret to Attract Your Next Job
The bestseller, The Secret, became a phenomenal success in 2007. Its message is that we are all governed by the Law of Attraction, through which whatever we are holding in our mind and feeling is attracted to us. Author Bob Doyle puts it this way: "Like attracts like at a thought level, and so as you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you.”

It’s a safe bet that you’re not thrilled with the prospect of job search. Who is? The good news is that you can harness the power of the Universe to streamline and improve your job search.

By harnessing the Law of Attraction you'll:

  • Feel more positive and energized about your job search.
  • Shorten the time it takes to find a suitable job.
  • Attract more positive people and better networking contacts.
  • Attract opportunities that are a better match to your job goal.
  • Land the right job for you.
Applying the Principles of the Law of Attraction to Your Job Search:

1. ASK

The first step in manifesting what you want is simply to ask.

Lisa Nichols, author, suggested in The Secret that when you make a command to the Universe, indicating exactly what you want, the Universe will respond to your thoughts.

Robert Collier, author, The Secret of the Ages, described this principle: “See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don’t fret and worry about them. Don’t think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.”

Become as clear as a clean window about what you want. If you send out a mixed message, you’ll receive mixed results. Know that you can have, be or do anything and there are no limits.

Action Steps
  • Focus specifically on what you want. Picture your ideal job and see it in your mind.
  • Write a description including job title, salary, benefits, duties, type of company, etc.
  • Draw a picture of your ideal job to engage your right brain.
  • Hold the vision of that job, no matter what obstacles you encounter.
  • Include the clause, "this or better." Allow the Universe to deliver the "right" job to you. Detach from a specific outcome.

You must, in the moment you ask for something, believe and know you already have it in the unseen. When you believe and know that you have it in the unseen, a shift occurs in the entire Universe to bring it into the seen.

Job search is a journey of faith, when you have to believe that something you want is up ahead, even when you can’t see it. Everything that you are and have now is the result of the Law of Attraction. This universal law determines what you bring into your life. If you focus on negatives such as fear, you will attract circumstances and people that are fear-based.

Action Steps
  • Act, speak and think as though you are receiving it right now. The Universe mirrors back to you your dominant thoughts. If they contain the recognition that you don’t have something, you continue to attract “not having it.”
  • Believe that you already have it and have already received it.

Receiving involves beginning to feel wonderful about the subject of your manifestation. Nichols suggests that you emit the feeling frequency of having already received it.

Action Steps
  • Feel as if you have the job you want right now. What does it feel like working at your new job? Imagine it.
In The Secret, Marci Shimoff, author, adds that it’s important to feel good and to be happy. Feeling good puts you in the frequency of what you want to manifest.

It’s important to both believe and feel in order to have enough power to manifest whatever it is that you want in your life, says Michael Bernard Beckwith, another Secret contributor. Is there a fast track to get onto that frequency? Beckwith says it’s necessary to:

  • Say to yourself, “I am receiving now. I am receiving all the good in my life, now. I am (fill in your desire) now.” He adds you must feel it as though you have already received it.

Conduct your job search by harnessing the power of the Universe through applying these principles of the Law of Attraction and see the differences that can transpire over the next several weeks in your search.