5 things to do if you need to look for a job
Yesterday, I joined Steve Boese and Shawna Moerke on their online, call-in radio show, HR Happy Hour. The show focuses on current topics in Human Resources with leaders and experts in the field. I participated because this week’s show featured The Career Summit – a series of online webinars aimed at helping job seekers (and prospective job seekers) achieve their goals.

During the show, Laurie Ruettimann, one of the masterminds for the Summit, asked fellow guest Ryan Paugh, Community Manager for Brazen Careerist, a great question. She asked what he would do if he were looking for a job today.

Listening in, I started to think about how I would answer that question in a sound byte. I answer this question with clients every day — helping people decide what to do when they are ready for a career change is my business. What’s the “quick and dirty” reply?

1. Identify what you offer. Figure out your value proposition as it relates to the market. Practice explaining how your accomplishments and experiences support your ability to solve specific problems.

2. Research target organizations that will value your skills and expertise. Find organizations who have problems you can solve.

3. Create materials that target your ideal organizations and opportunities. This includes a focused resume, an optimized LinkedIn profile and a totally professional social networking identity.

4. Connect, connect, connect. Use best practices for social networking. Expand your network using Twitter/LinkedIn/Facebook. One best practice: give before you get. There are many steps to help you succeed with online networking, but knowing what you have to offer others is an important first step toward success.

5. Keep doing it! Hopefully, the more you engage with others, both in person and online, the better you will get at doing it successfully.

These are some of my first steps for job seekers. What ideas do you have?

If you are looking for a job, you may also want to check out THE CAREER SUMMIT. Tons of career advice, all for a low price of $99 for a short time. Check it out now, before the early bird is over at the close of business Sunday, October 10th.

The topics include everything from how to think about finding a job you love, to what has changed in search, demystifying the recruiting process, online career management, interviewing and (last but not least) — strategies and tips for your resume, social media profile and job search.