How Do I Get Noticed at a Job Fair?
Question: How do I get noticed at a job fair?

Job fairs can sometime seem overwhelming and tiresome and soon you begin to doubt whether you’ll ever be noticed. As you check out your competition, you realize that you’re seeing cookie-cutter images of you! Lots of black suits–so much so that you begin to wonder whether the recruiters can even begin to tell you apart! If everyone’s hearing the same advice on how to dress, chances are the resume format is similar too. If you follow these simple steps to standing out in a crowd, you will become more than a face in the crowd!

Planning for the Big Get Noticed Project (aka Getting the Job):

Preparing before the job fair:

1. Plan for the event: Give yourself plenty of time before the event to prepare. Meaning if you heard about the event months ago commit to attending, not at the last second but well in advance. If staggered timing, some job fairs allow those who register first to enter ahead of the others. See step 2...

2. Visit your campus career center to get a listing of all businesses that are going to be at the job fair. Start making a list of companies that you will want to work for and want to meet.

3. Reasearch the companies you have identified as your targets and know the product or service along with their mission, vision and culture.

4. Use social media tools such as LinkedIn, facebook and twitter to find current employees and recruiters that work for that company.

5. Connect with them! I cannot stress this enough. Start a conversation, ask them out to coffee, let them know that you are interested in learning more about the company. (This is why networking skills are so important.)

Go Time:

1. Always wear something that is a conversational piece. Standard attire is black suit however add some flair with a brooch, a colorful scarf or a statement necklace. We always remember a special fashion piece on someone and the same rule applies here.

2. Recruiters realize that most of you are going to be recent college grads and may not have business cards. However, make sure you print some before you go. Always leave an impression so be prepared and provide a card!

3. Always ask them for their business card, that way you have their information and direct line and email for follow up.

4. You have already done your homework on the companies you are most interested in, so now introduce yourself! Remember to refer to how they know you. Example: Hi Jane, I wanted to introduce myself, I am Amanda and we connected through LInkedin. It is nice to finally meet you in person, thanks for all the great tips.

5. Follow up, follow up, follow up. Be sure to send a thank you email as well as a handwritten note. Mention something that the two of you talked about so the recruiter has a point of reference and can easily remember you because you connected before hand, did your homework, wore a conversational piece, left a business card, got a business card, introduced yourself and followed up!

The next time you visit a job fair it will feel more like a networking event than just another competitive group meet-and-greet!